Learn How to Value and SUCCESSFULLY Sell Businesses!
Position yourself in FRONT of the historic massive BUSINESS trend just beginning to break and earn commissions WORTH EARNING!
Learn how to value, market and sell any small and mid-size business and watch your income SKY ROCKET.
The Silver Tsunami (and no, I'm not talking about an ocean!)... refers to the massive number of Baby Boomers that are starting to retire...
An awful lot of them have businesses that they MUST sell to fund that retirement.
That's where a lot of money will be made over the next 15-20 years!
The Silver Tsunami refers to the so-called "Baby Boomer Business Sell-Off". According to the Washington Post, 10,000 people in the U.S. hit retirement age every day, a rate that will continue until at least 2029!
These owners will all need someone who knows how to value these businesses, how to find and negotiate with buyers and how to structure the deals to get them financed. At this moment - and for the foreseeable future - there aren't nearly enough qualified business brokers to handle this demand.
More professional and knowledgeable business brokers are needed now and even more will be needed over the next 10-15 years. This course will teach YOU what you need to know to value, market and broker the sale of small and mid-size businesses.
• You want to learn how to value, market and sell businesses.
• You're a real estate broker or agent - residential or commercial - and want to expand your service offerings into the very lucrative world of business sales.
• You realize that commissions for selling businesses are significantly higher than those for selling houses.
• You're an association executive and want to offer your members help for when the time comes for them to sell - and at the same time provide a new and valuable income stream to your association.
• You're a business consultant, accountant or financial planner and want to add a highly profitable service to your practice.
• You're a military veteran looking for a rewarding and high-paying way to utilize the leadership and management skills you acquired in the service.
Your Instructor
Joseph (Joe) Caffrey has been a successful entrepreneur for more than 35 years.
Course Curriculum
StartIntroduction to Business Brokering
StartLecture 1: What We do. (13:33)
StartLecture 2: Who Are the Best Candidates? (10:21)
StartLecture 3: Getting Started...Should you choose an existing firm? (11:34)
StartLecture 4: Being a Solo Practitioner (14:34)
StartLecture 5: Should you Specialize? (13:56)
StartLecture 6: Main Street vs The Middle Market. What's the Difference? (11:04)
StartLecture 7: How Big is the Market for Our Services? (9:57)
StartLecture 8: What do We Charge? (19:36)
StartLecture 9: Co-brokering (13:18)
StartLecture 10: Working With Realtors (16:05)
StartLecture 11: Licensing for Business Brokers (12:30)
StartLecture 12: Review of Module 1, "Introduction to Business Brokering". (23:47)
StartIntroduction to Finding Businesses to Sell (3:54)
StartLecture 1: Characteristics of Buyers (18:03)
StartLecture 2: How to Get Known as an Expert (25:31)
StartLecture 3: Networking and What Groups to Join (17:56)
StartLecture 4: Using Direct Mail - Snail Mail and Email (29:40)
StartLecture 5: Using Print Media (16:52)
StartLecture 6: Getting the Listing Part 1 (34:01)
StartLecture 6: Getting the Listing Part 2 (12:12)
StartLecture 7: Using Online Databases (20:50)
Frequently Asked Questions
The "Baby Boomer Business Sell-off" is just starting. Millions of business owners will need to sell their business over the next decade and beyond. Somebody has to help them - and get handsomely rewarded for doing so! Why not you?
Learn How to Value and SUCCESSFULLY Sell Businesses and light a fire under your income stream!